Our Information Security & Quality Management Systems Policy

As a CSA Consulting and Software Ltd. & Co. ;

Our Core Principles;

– Have  skills and competencies to achieve teamwork globally

-Developing continuously and contributing to our business partners while developing ourselves

-Being sensitive to our business, environment and universal values

Our Common Goal With Our Employees;

-Keeping our customers’ and  employees’ reliabilities and satisfaction level at the highest

-Providing high-quality services with  our customers and adding value to them

Our Prerequisites In Order To Achieve This Goal;

Continuous improvement of the quality of service we produce and information security under the guidance of performance and reliability principles, preventing waste and constantly improving our management systems to support them

Our Common Principles that We Have Determined to Reach Our Goal are:

Sürdürülebilirlik 1


Ensuring that every step we take has long-term benefits

Katılımcı Çalışma Ortamı

Participative Working Environment

Ensuring that goals, decisions and activities are determined by team-work

Açık İletilşim

Open Communication

Establishing trust-based, long-term positive feedback with all our employees and stakeholders



Providing awareness, knowledge and ability to protect the quality and information security in our company by constantly training our employees

Sıfır Kayıp

Zero Waste

Doing every job with the perspective of preventing all types of waste



Valuing and protecting information

Bilgi Güvenliği

Information Security

Establishing structures that protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of our information assets

Kaliteli Hizmet

Quality Service

Putting the quality service and satisfied customer principle to the forefront, reflecting this condition to all our business processes and constantly improving it

Risk Yönetimi

Risk Management

In order to ensure continuity and reliability, determining the risks that our company and all our stakeholders may face from us and providing the necessary

yasal uyum

Legal Compliance

Fulfilling the obligations of Quality Management System and Information Security Management System arising from legal or contractual requirements related to our activities